Friday, December 30, 2011

Chopin - Préludes

This is the first of the two cd graphic I made for my illustration class final project.
I decide to create a cd-cover for a Chopin work: "les préludes"; my mission was to create an image that young people would appreciate, not the classic abstrait work that we usually see on classic cd-case.
I crate an evocative image following that the music inspired me.
Here the first versione and some sketches before the final version.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Look at my shoes/Scarpe going wild/J'aime mes bottes

I recently noticed a funny things, most of the visit on my blog are done searching for the word -scarpe- (shoes), but there are no images of shoes at all! Nether post where I talk about that...
So I decided to publish an old work I done for a contest that I didn't won, you can guess what the subject is: shoes, a metaphor of travelling!
Moreover I bought yesterday my new boots, that will save me from the incoming canadian winter.
Last but not least enjoy this video about boots <3